All this tells Douglass the airplane is an unusual one - almost certainly a TR3A or another secret plane. And the pilot complains, "I've got a couple of screws loose on the heat shield." The tail number is given - 806 - but F-117s stop in the 600s. "You've seen one of these before, haven't you, Steve?" says the voice of one airman talking to another (the coincidence of the name seems like a taunt). This allows him to set them off one by one, clicking each little folder, so they explode like little firecrackers, with sharp sparks of voice amid the smoke of static. He loads sound bites captured at White Sands onto Soundscan files on his Performa 450. Now he shows off his latest find, the Black Manta.

"It's as if they know where you live," his colleagues joke. "Why go to Groom Lake," people ask him, "when the planes seem to come to you?" Douglass has been uncanny in catching, say, F-117s coming almost over his house. Amarillo is dead center in the heart of the country's military flyways. Red and blue lines on a map show main air routes, and refueling courses. There are maps of military bases and of New Mexico, as well as a Landsat photo of the F-117 base at Tonopah.

In one corner lurks a huge oscilloscope - military surplus - and a Hallicrafter's short-wave set, packed with tubes, picked up for $25 at a garage sale. Models of planes hang from the ceiling, pictures of planes line the walls. After years of practice, his ear strips away the static he listens simultaneously to stereo, television, and multiple scanners. In Douglass's thickly carpeted retreat, six scanners work steadily, hopping from channel to channel - short wave, VHF, UHF, sideband - all feeding into a little voice-activated Radio Shack tape recorder that vacuums up every scrap of voice, packing a day's talk into 90 minutes or so that Douglass listens to late at night. To those who criticize their listening in and who accuse them of endangering national security, Douglass and other monitors answer: "Hey, Radio Shack sells to the bad guys too anything we can hear, the spies can hear too." "Adds up to 19, right?" smirk the stealth watchers.) (Some stealth watchers even believe the Air Force called the fighter the F-117 simply so they could go on insisting there was no F-19, the logical designation for a new plane in official sequence. They insisted that the Stealth fighter existed years before the Air Force released the first murky snapshot and admitted its existence.

Long before they tried to find out about the Manta or the Mach 6 Aurora, monitors, and black birders told us about the U-2 and a project called Oxcart, which turned out to be the SR-71 Blackbird. The real culprit was later found, but Douglass now sweeps the place monthly for bugs.
Suits suddenly appeared in the windows of the long-vacant house behind him, and a bug showed up on his phone. When he was suspected of tapping the cellular phone of a Texas congressman - the FBI paid Douglass a visit. Navy? Is it a plane, is it a bird, could it even be Superman? No, it’s just the United States Air Force messing with our heads again.It's all completely legal - except for the practice of listening in on cellular phones, something Douglass finds of little use. So, what of the TR-3B Black Manta? How far back does it go, if at all? Does it have anything to do with the aforementioned 2018 patent issued to Pais and the U.S. There are of course the inevitable allegations that the TR-3B was built by the military using extraterrestrial reverse-engineered technology.Even Forbes magazine mused in 2021 that maybe, just maybe the patents issued to Salvatore Cezar Pais could be a cover for alien technology captured over the years by the U.S. Watch the video from Found And Explained for more info: These aircraft are also referred to as ‘flux liners’. So, an anti-gravity aircraft doesn’t use conventional turbine or rocket engine technology, but instead a propulsion system that creates thrust by generating high-energy plasma. It has an electromagnetic coil at the heart of it’s motive power system, the result of which is electromagnetic drive that interacts with the Higgs-Boson field at the quantum level. In the case of the TR-3B Black Manta, it means a craft that uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy, so that plasma is produced, which, in turn, creates a field of anti-gravity around the craft.